NY Holidays

It's time to say goodbye to 2016
and say hello to 2017.
For sure 2016 had ups and downs but in general for me it was a good year.
In the end of the year people always complain about hoe bad the year was.
But this story is not about me.
It's time to turn a new page and I hope it will be better than previous one.

There are things that I really proud of myself.
Firstly of course it's my AIESEC adventure 🙈
I'm very grateful for everything that happened there and all people I've met.
( again if you are curious that was there you can read here
P.S. actually many funny thing happened so go and check it!)

Secondly,it's my trainings.
If someone told me at least one year ago that I will do this I would just said oh fuck you!

Thirdly, it's my judge experience.
I've started it in January ( OMG one year ago! )
And in December I was a judge in World Cup.
It was a great pleasure for me!

So this is my top three things that happened.
For sure I had more things,
but the list will be too huge 😝
And actually I graduated from my how I call it "second" university.
So now only one left and this year will be the year of changes?!
We will see.

So now it's a holiday time and I'm like all people around the world spending 
time with my family.
Watching movies ( new episode of Sherlock!!!),
eating huge amount of food and sweets.
Drawing some postcards and reading books.
I hope all of you having fun and will have a great year!

P.S. Oh I really love this adding emoji thing 🙏

P.P.S. Congratulations to me I just understand it's my 4th year here!!

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